I joined APM Australia as an IT Service Desk Engineer three years ago as part of a team that delivers supports for APM’s Australia, New Zealand and Singapore operations. During the time that I was a part of this team, I started to build a solid reputation and network not just within my local Australian team, but also with those in New Zealand.
In 2021, my manager and I discussed the option that I might be able to relocate and work from our New Zealand operations. My manager was supportive, but it meant emigrating from Australia during the COVID-19 outbreak and all the restrictions that go with it – not the best time to move countries! However, despite the challenges, APM made it easy for me and I’m now living in New Zealand and working with APM’s team there – and I’m so happy about it. Day by day I’m understanding more about our NZ users and getting more involved in the development of our regional service delivery for the IT department.
A challenge... but worth it
Due to COVID and the lockdowns in the state of Victoria, I was dealing with a lot of unknowns. We weren’t sure we would even be allowed to enter and stay in New Zealand. It felt like I was stuck in a state of not knowing if and when I would actually be able to move. Everything practical was planned, the only thing we could not control was the ‘when’. But finally, after a year of waiting, a travel bubble opened and my husband, our fur-kids and I made it over on one of the first available flights.
Moving to NZ was based partly on a desire for a new adventure after living in Geelong for ten years, and we liked the thought of NZ with its beautiful environment and landscapes. I also had first-hand experience of the commitment and undeniable first-class leadership of APM’s New Zealand CEO and her leadership team.
I was grateful that things turned out as expected. The transition was seamless and I got a wealth of support from my colleagues. They all gave outstanding advice on everything from where to live, places to eat, costs, and cultural differences from Australia. I had support form APM with many of the little things that need organising when you move to a new country, and the local team checked in regularly with me on how I was doing in general once I got here.
Working at APM
I love working at APM. My ability to work with anyone and build relationships has been key for me here - without that I wouldn’t have developed my connections with the NZ team and the move would have been isolated and tough. And the NZ leadership team have been fundamental to my growth professionally, both before I came out here and now. They throw challenges at me but by overcoming them together, I have developed hugely.
I was originally drawn to APM because, as someone who has a history of volunteering and trying to make a difference in the world, it meant that I could use my skills in IT as part of an organisation that was making a positive impact on the community. I start every day caring about the people I deal with and genuinely wanting to help out, because I know that my work is part of that bigger picture. Knowing I can do that here at APM is why we are the right fit for each other and the constant feedback from staff, leaders and peers supports this mentality and lets me know I am on track for success.
By Marcus Bethune